
Slovak Folk Costume Day comes to Prague

Publikováno: 12. 9. 2023
Autor: Hana Šebanová
Foto: Viačeslav Šambazov
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The Slovak Folk Costume Day event that connects all of Slovakia is seeing success abroad. The Charm in Costume exhibition was on display not only at home but also in Austria and the Czech Republic.

In Prague, where the show was organized under the auspices of the Speaker of the Slovak National Council Boris Kollár, the guests were welcomed by the founder of the Slovak Folk Costume Day project Mária Reháková. The exhibition was put together with the help of the Slovak House and its director Vladimír Skalský. The Praslica folklore group from the village of Kozárovce was present and Jozef Mak sang for the crowd as well.
The opening act of the show was singer Marian Vojtko with a song called "In the Vales". Member of the Slovak National Council Denisa Saková, dressed in a beautiful costume from city of Nitra, also spoke to the guests. A Representative Unit from the Czech Sokol Association came to pay its respects at the exhibition as did Jaroslav Černý from the Czech Mint. MP Alena Schillerová was also unable to resist the magic of the folk costume and Roman Dušil from the cosmetics group Pierre Fabre showed his appreciation for the pictures as well. The exhibition consists of 40 photos depicting Slovak women in folk costume. The author of the photographs is Ramon Leško. The Slovak Folk Costume Day event will have its grand finale as usual on September 1 in Banská Bystrica.

Alena Schillerová, MP

Jozef Mak and the Praslica folklore group got the fun going

The Czech Sokols couldn't miss the Charm in Costume show

The exhibition was curated by musician Vladimír Valovič, a member of the Gustav Brom Big Band. He is accompanied by Zuzana Augustin Poláčková and Mária Reháková in the photo.

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