
Folklore uniting generations

Publikováno: 16. 11. 2023
Autor: Editorial Staff
Foto: Viacheslav Shambazov, Simona Zaťková
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The already sixth annual Slovak Folk Costume Day in Banská Bystrica had an amazing atmosphere of joy and kinship throughout the entire event. All of Slovakia came together as one to show pride in the nation's history and express hope for its future.

"I would like to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who came to this square and showed the same amount of love for the Folk Costume Day that we put into preparing it for them all year long," said the main organizer and author of the idea for the project Mária Reháková. "Slovak Folk Costume Day isn't just this gala that is the event's culmination," she went on. "We spend the whole year visiting villages and towns across Slovakia where we find unique elements of authentic folklore, which is still embedded in the lifestyle of people who preserve it with love and respect for their ancestors. We have found wonderful stories documenting the strength of the traditions that shape even our youngest generation."
For the third time now, the celebration of the adoption of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic has been a part of the Slovak Folk Costume Day and the program dedicated to this momentous occasion was available for viewers to see live on RTVS.

Event organizer Mária Reháková with members of the Slovak NC

Hosting duo Simona Simanová and Juraj Bača with Mayor of Banská Bystrica Ján Nosko

Mária Reháková in an RTVS broadcast

Slovak Folk Costume Day unites generations

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