
Fitting at the EXPO is coming up

Publikováno: 14. 7. 2021
Autor: Iveta Staňková
Foto: Photo
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At the end of May, a meeting took place in the Virtuplex studio where the Advisory Board to the Office of the General Commissioner of Czech participation at the General World Exposition EXPO 2020 in Dubai convened.

Its members had a chance to see the current state of the national pavilion, whose construction was finalised in April, as well as the permanent exposition, which will start being fitted on the 10th of August – the day the first showpieces will arrive in Dubai. The Virtuplex company constructed a full model of the Czech pavilion down to the smallest detail. Members of the Advisory Board were able to take a stroll through it and see it in life-size thanks to 3D glasses as well as the environment of the biggest virtual studio of its kind in the world.

EXPO 2020 will take place between October 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022. It will be the first World Exposition to take place in the  MENA & SA region (Middle East, Africa, and South Asia) and it is also the first hosted by an Arab country. The first day of spring next year, March 21, will mark the Czech national day of “Czech Spring” at the EXPO, presenting the country as a land of springs, a fount of ideas, and a springtime garden.

Virtual tour of the pavilion at the Virtuplex studio.

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