
Evening benefit

Publikováno: 30. 6. 2022
Autor: Redakce
Foto: Photo Jan Deyl Conservatory
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A benefit organized by the Artevide Foundation took place at the end of the first week of June against the backdrop of the breathtaking baroque Vrtba Garden. The event happened under the auspices of Prague 1 City District and Kolektory Praha, a.s.

The Artevide Foundation was established in 2007 with the intent of providing social aid to the legally blind through artistic activities. The concept behind the Foundation's operations is based on education through art, an idea popularized by English art historian, philosopher, and reformist educator, Herbert Read. It is no surprise that this concept ties into visual arts education with therapeutic overtones, which aims for the cultivation and inclusion of the student and the development of their creativity. For the legally blind, the artistic work and subsequent outputs represent a vital communication medium.

Participants at the Foundation's workshops employ an innovative artistic technique, a method of haptic painting provided to the foundation by painter Dino Čečo. Students of the Jan Deyl Conservatory have been frequent participants in the Foundation's events for many years. The benefit gave them the opportunity to not only display their artworks but also to play their music as part of the event. It is important to note that the musical program included current students as well as Jan Deyl Conservatory alumni.

Prague 1 Mayor, Petr Hejma, attended the benefit and provided his support. The Conservatory was represented by the school administration – the director, Jana Lustyková, and deputy director, Sylva Mlčochová, were in attendance. Several of the Conservatory's teaching staff were also present. The event was also a fitting occasion for the agreement on mutual support and cooperation that Jan Deyl Conservatory and Artevide Foundation entered into.

The event on the Vrtba Garden premises.

Haptic painting technique.

Stanislava Lustyková with guests.

Exhibit of the students' artworks.

The students put on a musical show as well.

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