
Disinfecting Space Easy Enough Even For Laymen

Publikováno: 1. 1. 2021
Autor: Iveta Staňková
Foto: Photo GlobeScope
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It is an indisputable fact that coronavirus has changed not only the approach to business in Czechia but many other things too. Adapting to the new situation has become the first step for the survival of many companies.

And while the effects of the pandemic and measures against its spread on the economy are - and will be in the foreseeable future - negative, they may vary a lot. "Companies that have prepared and adapted to the current situation will have a great chance to continue to operate very efficiently," says Iveta Konvičná, Head of Sales at GlobeScope.

Unclear situation

"In addition to optimizing production, marketing and sales processes, these preparations also include ensuring a safe environment for employees, customers and suppliers and their meetings" Iveta Konvičná adds. What does this mean in practice? For example, providing properly disinfected areas. As it’s recently turned out, the offer in Czechia is relatively broad in this respect and companies don’t find it easy to get their bearings in the market.

Complex questions

Petr Brabec from Effective Invention, s.r.o. confirms this too: “We’ve found heaps of offers in the media and online space, for disinfection and cleaning of offices, meeting rooms, waiting rooms, business units, etc. But when we started to look for details, we got more questions than answers. "

Is it necessary to treat the office only once, or only after coronavirus infection among employees? Or is it better to do so after every visit from the outside? Is it necessary to disinfect the company every day, week, or is it enough once a month? What disinfection or strategy to use at all?

"We have met with companies that do not believe regular disinfection of the premises is necessary - allegedly, routine cleaning is as sufficient as before. They're right, that's enough. However, only until their premises encounter coronavirus or any other serious infection, "Iveta Konvičná points out.

Simple solution

The main argument of some companies is also the professional complexity of disinfection, the time consuming process and, last but not least, high costs.

At present, however, there is already NDP AIR TOTAL + GREEN on the Czech market - a unique and easy-to-use agent for air disinfection of surfaces. "We were sincerely surprised by the simplicity of use of NDP AIR TOTAL + GREEN. Simply place the disposable bottle in the middle of the room and turn it on, which will ensure complete disinfection of the selected area. Simple, functional, and because it does not require a professional company, also a very economical solution, " Petr Brabec confirms.

Proven product

"It is a product with discharge through a disposable valve, which allows nebulization (i.e. spraying) of the contents in one application," Iveta Konvičná explains.

NDP AIR TOTAL + GREEN is a top disinfectant that has been used for several years for the most demanding applications - for example, for disinfecting operating theatres across Europe. Now it is finally possible to get it in the Czech Republic. Thanks to a wide range of biocides and fast action against bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi and viruses, it also eliminates odours caused by decomposition.

The product is an environmentally friendly, non-toxic, non-flammable and non-corrosive propellant developed by Honeywell that is compatible with all types of materials. "Within three minutes after launch, it will create a disinfection cloud that will reliably hit even very hard-to-reach areas, including gaps and cracks," Iveta Konvičná adds.

Easy enough for everyone

"NDP AIR TOTAL + GREEN convinced us with its simplicity, cost and also the amount of bacteria and viruses it is able to eliminate. The product does not damage electronics and our existing cleaning company can handle the use without any problems, “ Petr Brabec sums up his experience.

Currently, NDP AIR TOTAL + GREEN is registered as a medical device and at the same time as a biocide. It is the perfect helper for every company – it can be applied upon arrival at work, after a meeting or before leaving. It has a wide range of uses - in companies, training rooms, in veterinary premises, in vehicles, shops, waiting rooms, at stations, in air conditioning systems... Its big bonus is the simple use- you don’t need an expert to apply it, even a layman can handle it. And the space is ready for use again soon after.


No disinfection can take care of a person who (unknowingly) goes to work sick, to meetings – seeing a lot of other people. Fortunately, there are many suppliers of antigen tests for covid-19, which test for the virus very quickly and with the result within 10-15 minutes. In case of uncertainty (because company management requires it) it is possible to test employees quite quickly, and thus ensure safe operation. There are several types of tests available in Czechia: Rapid, PCR, mucus testing, blood work or so-called swabs. GlobeScope supplies all versions to the Czech market, and the S1 COVID-19 Rapid Antigen test, which detects salivary and mucus viruses, appears to be the most successful. That is, without the unpleasant pushing of the swab into the nasopharynx and with the result within 15 minutes (more information at


NDP AIR TOTAL + GREEN has a truly broad-spectrum of uses. It has an efficiency of 2, which means that it is:

actericidal: (EN1276, EN13697, EN13727) Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus hirae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Bordetella bronchiseptica.

Mycobactericidal: (EN14348) Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium terrae.

Fungicidal: (EN1650, EN13697, EN13624) Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans.

#Virucidal: (EN14476) H1N1, Influenza virus surrogate for lipophilic viruses (influenza, coronaviruses, Ebola, hepatitis, HIV ...).

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