
Charm in Costume

Publikováno: 6. 7. 2023
Autor: Redakce
Foto: STAR production
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The unique exhibition of paintings called Charm in Costume started off in Prague's Slovenský Dům on the last day of May with a festive opening.

The exposition was put together as part of the Slovak Folk Costume Day project and, prior to Prague, it was hosted by Vienna, Austria until early May. "We lovingly brought this representative exhibition to Vienna to show not only the Slovaks living in the city but also the Austrians just what Slovakia's pride has been for centuries," said Maria Reháková, author of the project, at the opening. Besides her, the former Austrian defense minister and chairman of an Austrian-Slovak company in Vienna Werner Fasslabend, director of the Slovak Institue in Vienna Igor Skoček, and Slovak Ambassador to Austria Peter Mišík also shared a few words at the opening in Vienna. The event was accompanied by the songs of Jozef Mak's folklore band from Banská Bystrica.

Jozef Mak's folklore band

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