
Book launch of Bájná Lhářka

Publikováno: 22. 12. 2021
Autor: Redakce
Foto: Pavel Gwužď
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The Czech Radio’s Radiocafé hosted the launch party of Šárka Zmátlíková’s new book in late November. The author’s fifth, this time titled Bájná Lhářka (Prolific Liar).

The guests received a warm welcome from Juraj Himl, editor of the Petrklíč publishing house, who the author has been working closely with. Afterwards, painter and artist, Lucie Gelemová, godmother of Bájná Lhářka, chimed in. Following a show put on by the Dirty Speakers Saxophone Duo, family friend, Lucie Schejbalová, who illustrated the book did a reading. The second godmother of the book was famous Slovakian model and the very last Federal Miss Czechoslovakia from 1993, Silvia Lakatošová. Felix Slováček added to the evening’s character with his musical performance.

This title is preceded by four other successful books from Šárka Zmátlíková – Padesát odstínů růžové (Fifty Shades of Pink), Kárová dáma (Queen of Diamonds), Cukr, káva, limonáda (Sugar, Coffee, Lemonade), and Jak jsem přežil Ironlove (How I survived Ironlove). She wrote her first book eight years ago, after giving birth to her second son, making her wait for the long-desired daughter a few years more. As she herself will tell you, writing is a source of joy and a passion. Bájná Lhářka describes the relationship of a mother with her adult daughter, touching on topics such as family relationships, alcoholism, or domestic violence. Despite the heavy connotations, the book makes for light reading.

From the left: Felix Slováček, Šárka Zmátlíková, Lucie Gelemová, Lucie Schejbalová, Silvia Lakatošová, Petr Zmátlík.

Šárka Zmátlíková with her friend, Silvie Štěpánková.

Felix Slováček

Šárka Zmátlíková, Felix Slováček.

Saxophone Duo Dirty Speakers (Nikolas Schejbal, Matyáš Zmátlík).

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